Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New Technology

   The form of media known as radio was one of the most important factors in the modernizing of 21st Century America. It connected people across the nation through sports, news, and entertainment. It is no surprise that this new form of media was a product of the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. It was Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi who created a telegraph that used radio waves to send messages in Morse code, thus creating a new era of media and industry through this immense change in technological advancement.
    Developments in radio technology spawned more ideas for the radio left and right. As new advances were being made, new purposes were being made for the medium and for the industry. Also, as these new methods of using radio were being utilized, new laws were produced by the government so as to regulate the airwaves. It was on account of these great industrial progressions that the relationship between the radio industry and the government started. The industry's new purposes and methods of using radio were met with new rules, regulations, and restrictions.

    As new radio technology was allowing companies to broadcast music nationwide, radio became more and more popular. New companies such as AT&T and RCA were founded, thus increasing the number of waves sent out within the broadcast band. While the Radio Act of 1912 required the licensing of transmitters, it was not very powerful in regulating the industry. With the Radio Act of 1927 came the Federal Radio Commission, which stated the broadcast band, made frequency terms regular and standard, and restricted the number of stations operating at night. This new law reduced the interference between stations.


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