Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Evaluation

Before taking RTF 305, I had never posted a blog. Doing the blog for this class was probably one of the easiest, yet most helpful assignments I had to do this semester. For many of the blogs, I had to review the material in the textbook as well as my lecture notes so I knew what I was talking about. Plus, there wasn't really a wrong or right answer, as long as I understood the material. The website was very easy to use, but I did have trouble figuring out what I was exactly supposed to write in the first couple of blogs. However, my TA helped me out and told me that I was trying to fit too much unnecessary info into the blogs and after that everything was peachy.

I especially enjoyed the blogs that dealt with movies, as I'm sure many others did. The prompts about camera angles and story structure let me study the details of my favorite movies and TV shows. The blog that was the least interesting was the one about the development of radio technology because it was more about history than about theories, which I find kind of interesting. The blog that was the most difficult to write about was the one I posted about the cultivation theory, because I really had to learn what the difference was between that theory and all of the others. I had not really listened to the lecture that week, so I had to reread the chapter to get a good grasp on the material.

I really believe that blogs are an easy and effective way to learn the material better, plus it is very easy to get a good grade on them. They should be used in other undergrad classes at UT, especially if most of the grades in the class are made of tests. Blogs kind of work like labs because they reinforce the what is taught in lecture and in the textbook. Of course, one thing that would make blogging more interesting would be more prompts about movies and TV. However, I know this can't really be done without discarding other important topics. Therefore, there isn't really much that can be done to make blogging better. In my opinion, the assignments are already a really cool way to learn, as well as express what you think about the topics.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Increasing Interconnectedness

Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness among nations, cultures, and people. For instance, the infrastructure of mobile phones is growing, enabling more connection between not only people of the same country, but as well as other countries. Another example of globalization is digital convergence, which makes greater production possible in poorer places around the world. All in all, globalization is very much supported and accelerated by technological developments.

These technological developments and increase in connections between nations and people have resulted in cultural imperialism. As people across the globe have become more connected and less isolated, there has been a loss of local, indigenous, and national cultures. For example, indigenous people such as the Native Americans have lost much of their culture through technology that has advanced in the last century. In the past, Native Americans made things such as clothes and blankets using primitive, but traditional, weaving methods done by hand. However, now such blankets can be made in mass quantity by machines.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Appeals of Advertising

The countless number of advertisements that I encounter everyday is ridiculous. When watching television, which is the medium through which I see the ads the most, I try to ignore pitches by changing the channel or going to do a chore. However, every once in awhile I'll see an ad that catches my eye as being very appealing. One recent commercial that has had this effect on me is for the 5 Hour Energy drink.

For me to be intrigued by an energy drink commercial is very rare and odd, as I hardly ever drink such a drink and I am well aware of the negative effect they have on your body. The specific commercial I am speaking of is the "No 2:30 Feeling" one. The ad takes something most people can relate to and despise, which is the sleepiness and tired out feeling one gets in the afternoon, especially during something boring like class or work. The spokesperson offers a solution to this "2:30 Feeling" problem, which is what caught my attention. Often, I feel the need for a quick nap while I am in a lecture class or even while I am working or driving. This small drink seems like an easy and effective solution to this nuisance and notions that it could nurture my fatigue and help achieve more things during my day.

The appeals of nurture and achievement are very important factors in a successful advertisement and product. After all, most everyone wants to accomplish more things during their work day and a lot of people will seek the help of a product like 5 Hour Energy to help them go that extra mile. Furthermore, if a person is very busy everyday, such as a single mother or a busy office worker, than the product will seem even more appealing to them as a nurturing tool. When tired out folks can't find rest or energy in other things, they will seek out this energy drink because it claims that it will help people work throughout the day, therefore helping them be productive and have a positive feeling.

The 5 Hour Energy advertisement depicts drained people around the workplace seek in vain means of perking themselves up, such as coffee, soda, or a candy bar. The spokesman lets the viewer know that these methods are not nearly as affective as 5 Hour Energy. Soon after, it shows the workers drinking the energy drink and afterwords feeling very energetic and positive. When I saw this commercial, I thought of all of the times I had been in those people's position of feeling exhausted and trying failed methods of perking up. I knew that if I took a nap, I would waste hours of the day and not be as productive as I should have been. This commercial tempted me to pick up this product because of it's promise that it would nurture me through my tiredness and thus, help me achieve far more than if I did not invest in 5 Hour Energy. However, I am unaware of it's actual effects because I have never actually used this energy drink.

5 Hour Energy Drink Commercial: