Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Three Acts

The most popular method of cinematic storytelling is the three act structure, which naturally encompasses the beginning, middle, and end of the story. A great cinematic story that uses this structure is Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977, d. George Lucas). At the movie's beginning, the viewer is told by text on the screen the setting of the movie and its back story (time 00:01 to 01:35, link 1). The viewer is then thrown into a space battle between what is learned to be the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. It is in this battle that the first main characters, C-3P0 and R2-D2, are introduced (time 02:12 link 1); it is through these two characters that the viewer meets other characters in Act I as well as learn more about the plot of the rebellion against the Evil Empire. Most of the first act takes place on the planet Tatoonie, which is where characters Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi,Han Solo, and Chewbacca are first introduced. Naturally, Act I is used to familiarize the viewer with the characters and explain their dilemmas and how they are going to solve them. However, near the end of the first act (09: 41, link 2 and 00:00 to 00:42, link 3), the main character's mission complicates, as they are captured by the Empire's Death Star. This is what is called a Plot Point, which is "mini climax" to the act which usually creates suspense, escalates the stakes, and propels the action into the next act where new questions will be answered.

After the characters and action of the movie has been set in Act I, the movie enters Act II. The second act is what complicates the action, as the character's mission is derailed when they are captured and learn that their destination has been destroyed by the Empire. Now, the mission is to escape from captivity as well as rescue the Princess Leia, who is also imprisoned (05:01 to 6:40, link 3). In the following events, everyone escapes except Ben Kenobi, who sacrifices himself for the sake of the mission. The heroes take the princess to the moon of Yavin IV, home of a Rebel base. However, they are unaware that the Empire had placed a tracking device on their ship, allowing them to be followed to Yavin IV (09:25 to 09:38, link 4). This is Plot Point Number Two of Star Wars, which lets the viewer know that all is not well for the heroes, and that the dangers and stakes are escalated even higher. The question of whether or not the Empire will destroy the Rebel base is the premise of Act III.

Act III begins with the Rebels figuring out that the Empire is closing in on them and therefore prepare an attack strategy. Skywalker joins the other pilots as they prepare for battle and their mission to destroy the Death Star. As the fight wages on, most of the Rebel Squadron has been obliterated by the Imperial Forces. Only accompanied by the other two remaining fighters, Skywalker begins to take his turn at destroying the only weak spot of the Death Star. Soon after, his two comrades have been disposed of, leaving it up to him to save the entire Rebel Alliance. This is where the movie nears it climax, as the next sequences of action are the deciding points of how the movie will end. Luckily, Han Solo appears from nowhere, giving Skywalker the help he needed in shooting his proton torpedoes at the Death Star's weak spot, thus destroying the galaxy's most powerful space station. The moment when the Death Star explodes into a thousand pieces is the movie's climax, as the problems have been resolved and everyone has been saved (08: 10 to 09:30, link 5). The movie ends with Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca being honored by the Alliance, therefore leaving audience's with a happy ending (00:20 to 01:15, link 6).

Link I:

Link II:

Link III:

Link IV:

Link V: 

Link VI:

Remember, the Force will be with you...always.

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